The separation without degradation of the components of lignocellulosic biomass with formic acid, described since 25 years by Prof.Dr. Michel Delmas, opened new horizons for cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin.


This concept allows the massive production of homogenous and pure decarbonized components intended to be transformed into all commodity products by operational technologies such as :


synthetic fuels, bioenergy, bioproducts, biomolecules, etc.




Cellulose is the global resource for the production of paper pulp and it is also a source of non-food sugars of particular interest for biotechnology industries.


Cellulose becomes the renewable carbon source that can replace all petrochemical molecules thanks to its industrial conversion into synthesis gas.

Hemicelluloses are extracted in the form of active molasses of great interest for animal feed with the presence of formic acid widely used in this field.


They are also considered a particularly popular source of C5 sugars to produce: Xylose, Xylitol, Mannose, Furfural, Furfuryl alcohol, etc…

Lignin is a sulfur-free phenolic biopolymer, with exceptional qualities provided that it is extracted from biomass by a non-degrading method.


Lignin can replace phenols and polyols in the wood glue industry, polyurethane foam, epoxy resins and be a precursor of low-cost carbon fiber.

The characteristics of these 3 products are linked to the exclusive extraction method of the LEEBio™ process with formic acid below the boiling point of water.


It will now be possible to decarbonize all petrochemical industries using lignocellulosic biomass and the LEEBio™ process without changing existing installations.

The LEEBio™ process has its origins from an observation published in the 2001 article

Formic acid pulping of Rice Straw

In the current energy and environmental context, the LEEBio™ process allows




to become




truly capable of eventually replacing carbon of fossil origin.